One thought on “College Degree Required

  1. We all have reasons for being in school, right, even when those are “because that’s what expected of me by mom and dad” or the more nebulous, “I need a degree to succeed”? So I think we can ask students why they’re in school and have interesting and productive discussions about it, but I don’t know about “careerism.” I’m wary of being a booster for stuff like this:

    “… the young graduates employed by Busch, Slipakoff & Schuh say they are grateful for even the rotest of rote office work they have been given.

    ‘It sure beats washing cars,’ said Landon Crider, 24, the firm’s soft-spoken runner.”

    The boss is listening – be grateful for everything!

    None of us are meant to live like this. I just try to remind myself that.

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